Garn & Tygladan
i Vinnersjö
Frakt fr. 69 kr.
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Viking Garn

Viking Superwash

100 - Vit

Viking Superwash är ett mjukt ullgarn som passar bra till alla typer av plagg, både till vuxen och barn. Garnet är producerat av fin mjuk ull, samtidigt som det är superwashbehandlat och därför kan tvättas i maskin.


Garnkvalitet: 100% ull superwash
Vikt och löplängd: ca 100 m/50 g
Stickfasthet: ca 22-23 maskor, 
Rekommenderad stickstorlek: 3.5 mm
Tvättas 40°C

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Link to the product or collection100 - Vit
Link to the product or collection101 - Vit
Link to the product or collection102 - Offwhite
Link to the product or collection103 - Svart
Link to the product or collection105 - Beigemelerad
Link to the product or collection107 - Beige
Link to the product or collection108 - Brun
Link to the product or collection113 - Ljus Grå
Link to the product or collection117 - Koks
Link to the product or collection120 - Ljusblå
Link to the product or collection123 - Mellanblå
Link to the product or collection125 - Koboltblå
Link to the product or collection126 - Marinblå
Link to the product or collection127 - Jeansblå
Link to the product or collection128 - Ljus Petrol
Link to the product or collection129 - Turkos
Link to the product or collection130 - Mörk Petrol
Link to the product or collection132 - Grön
Link to the product or collection134 - Blågrön
Link to the product or collection144 - Ockragul
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Link to the product or collection150 - Röd
Link to the product or collection153 - Tobak
Link to the product or collection158 - Aprikos
Link to the product or collection160 - Vinröd
Link to the product or collection161 - Mörk Vinröd
Link to the product or collection164 - Cerise
Link to the product or collection165 - Ljusrosa
Link to the product or collection167 - Ljus Lila
Link to the product or collection168 - Mörk Lila
Link to the product or collection174 - Mörk Rosa
Link to the product or collection178 - Ljung
Artikelnamn: 100 - Vit
Vikt: 50g