Garn & Tygladan
i Vinnersjö
Frakt fr. 69 kr.
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Betala enkelt med
Frakt fr. 69 kr. 🚚
Betala enkelt med
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Viking Garn

Viking Sportsragg

500 - Vit

Ullgarnsblandning som lämpar sig till sockor, vantar. mössor, tröjor mm..

60% ull, 20% nylon, 20% akryl

ca 100 m/50 g

Stickfasthet: ca 22-23 m = 10 cm stickor 3,5 mm

tvätt 30°C


Kom ihåg att färgen kan skilja sig något från foto och verklighet.

10+ i lager
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Link to the product or collection507 - Beige
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Link to the product or collection513 - Grå
Link to the product or collection518 - Brun
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Link to the product or collection533 - Grön
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Link to the product or collection535 - Neongrön
Link to the product or collection536 - Dimblå
Link to the product or collection543 - Rost
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Link to the product or collection551 - Orange
Link to the product or collection555 - Mörk Vinröd
Link to the product or collection561 - Burgunder
Link to the product or collection564 - Multi Rosa
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Link to the product or collection572 - Cerise
Link to the product or collection574 - Ljusrosa
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Link to the product or collection581 - Rosa
Link to the product or collection526 - Marinblå
Link to the product or collection527 - Jeansblå
Link to the product or collection545 - Gul
Link to the product or collection546 - Ockragul
Artikelnamn: 500 - Vit
Vikt: 50g